Round Resolving

Challenge period

As you know comprises two time bounded windows, a vote window and a market window, that usually lasts from Monday to Sunday (each).
But there’s a period of time after the winner is proposed but before it is confirmed called challenge period. It is a gap between market window closure at Sunday midnight UTC and winner reveal by snapshot taken. The challenge period lasts 1 day.

If you’re sure that true winner is not the one proposed, you can challenge by depositing 50k FVT.
Simply click the challenge button on the ballot and say which you think is the real winner.
If you’re right administrator will accept your challenge and your deposit will be returned.

When the challenge period passes and you want the round resolved earlier then you can call confirmWinnerUnchallenged and that doesn’t require a deposit.
See instructions below for that.


Anyone can call the functions on the contract proposeWinner and confirmWinnerUnchallenged:
  1. Go to the etherscan link for the Markets contract: Etherscan

  2. Go to the contract tab.

  3. Click on the Write Contract sub-tab.

  4. Connect to Web3 -> this should bring up your metamask or other browser wallet.

  5. Click proposeWinner and write and confirm transaction on your wallet soon after midnight UTC Sunday-Monday.

  6. If it is after midnight UTC Monday-Tuesday, then you can click confirmWinnerUnchallenged then write then confirm in your wallet.