Deploying smart contracts on testnet

To set up a mint, several contracts are needed to be deployed in the right order.
  1. MerkleIdentity.sol:

    address _mgmt atribute -> creator wallet address
  2. VoterID.sol:

    ooner atribute -> creator wallet address
    minter atribute -> MerkleIdentity contract address
    nomen atribute -> name of your choice
    symbowl atribute -> symbol of your choice
  3. AmaluEligibility.sol or MerkleEligibility.sol:

    _mgmt atribute -> creator wallet address
    _gatemaster atribute -> MerkleIdentity contract address
    _gatemaster atribute -> MerkleIdentity contract address
  4. AmaluPriceGate.sol or FixedPricePassThruGate.sol or SpeedBumpPriceGate.sol


NFT address = VoterId contract address

GATE address = MerkleIdentity contract address