Create New Mint

Form type

  1. Series

    Form to create another tree under an already existing mint. Choose that type if you need to add at least 2 new addresses to the whitelist, new NFT series or grant another minting permissions (eligibility) to users in the tree.

  2. Mint

    Form to create a brand new mint. Choose that type if you want to create minting for a whole new NFT address.

To set up a mint or to add series you have to fill in the tokenID (numbers) and uri (for example, ipfs links with metadata containing all NFT attributes and graphics). Each tokenID must be an unique number and have its own uri link. Uri link could be duplicated, provided metadata for all tokens is the same.

Mint type

  1. Selectable

    NFTs aren’t minted in an order, user can choose what number wants to mint

  2. Sequential

    NFTs are minted in an order, user cannot choose freely the number

Eligibility type

  1. Amalu

    Everyone are allowed to mint. It’s an open mint. No addresses list needed.

  2. Merkle

    Only users in the tree are eligible to mint. Tree is calculated from the uploaded addresses list.

  3. Whitelist


  4. Tokenmapping


Price type

  1. Amalu

    Price is always 0. It’s a free mint.

  2. Fixed

    NFT’s price is set.

  3. Speedbump

    NFT’s price changes with interest. The more frequently NFTs are minted, the higher the price. Price increases with each mint, and decays in time.

    • price decay parameter - price drop multiplier

    • price increase parameter - price increase multiplier

    • price denominator parameter - time in seconds that specifies how quickly the price should decrease

Mint configures

  1. unboxing video

    Displaying after the minting transaction successfully passes. Once the unboxing video box is checked, there is an additional option that specifies whether the video should be played for the minter only or for everyone who has the minting page open during the minting process.

  2. placeholder image

    An image that displays above the minting component when ‘show next media’ is unchecked.

  3. tokens externally hosted

    If token uri are hosted on external server (e.g. on ipfs), this box needs to be chcecked.

  4. show next media

    If the user may see upfront what token will be minted, this box should be checked. This option shouldn’t be used in case the NFT has a predefined rarity.

  5. reveal

    Decide whether minted NFT should be shown after successful minting or not.

  6. show traffic lights

    Three lights that show the current state of the token (green - available to mint, yellow - transaction pending, token reserved, red - token unavailable)

  7. show progress bar

    Line under the Mint button with a live view of the minting progress.

  8. stages based

    Option allowing to split minting into stages and to decide on the strategy of that.

    • sold out - the next stage opens once the previous one sold out

    • timebased - the next stage opens at a specific time

    • simultaneous - the next stage opens either on the previous stage sold out or at a specific time (whichever comes first)

Set up mint steps

For testing purposes, it may be needed to deploy the contracts first.
  1. Select chain.

  2. Choose ‘mint’ on the switch.

  3. Pass the addresses (whitelist) and token metadata (tokenID and uri).

  4. Create Group (key) - it’s the address of the mint (i.e.

  5. Pass VoterID contract address as NFT address.

  6. Pass MerkleIdentity contract address as Gate address.

  7. Select mint type (Sequential or Selectable).

  8. Select the start date and time.

  9. Select the eligibility type (Amalu or Merkle).

  10. Pass AmaluEligibility or MerkleEligibility contract addresses as Eligibility address.

  11. Decide on maximum withdrawals per address and maximum total withdrawals. The latter must always be bigger than the first, regardless of the whitelist size.

  12. Pass the eligibility gate index or uncheck the box if you don’t have one.

  13. Choose price type (Amalu, Fixed or Speedbump).

  14. Pass AmaluPriceGate or FixedPricePassThruGate or SpeedBumpPriceGate contract address as the Price address.

    • for a fixed price, pass the price gate index if it exists, or uncheck the box and pass the beneficiary wallet address that will gain the interest from the minting process.

    • for speedbump, pass the price gate index if it exists, or uncheck the box and pass price decay, price increase, price denominator and beneficiary wallet address that will gain the interest from the minting process.

  15. Specify token range (what is the tokenID range, e.g. 1-100)

  16. Upload placeholder image (File type), or cloudflare video ID (cloudflare type).

  17. Decide on minting options:

    • unboxing video - if yes, pass the cloudflare video ID and decide if unboxing will be streamable for the minter or for everyone (if for everyone, check the box),

    • check the ‘Tokens externally hosted’ box if tokens are hosted on ipfs,

    • optionally choose reveal, traffic lights, progress bar boxes,

    • decide if mint will be split into stages and choose stages strategy.

Add series steps

  1. Select chain.

  2. Choose ‘series’ on the switch.

  3. Select Group key you will be adding to from the dropdown.

  4. Pass the addresses (whitelist) and token metadata (tokenID and uri).

  5. Select the start date and time.

  6. Select the eligibility type (Amalu or Merkle).

  7. Pass AmaluEligibility or MerkleEligibility contract addresses as Eligibility address.

  8. Decide on maximum withdrawals per address and maximum total withdrawals. The latter must always be bigger than the first, regardless of the whitelist size.

  9. Pass the eligibility gate index or uncheck the box if you don’t have one.

  10. Choose price type (Amalu, Fixed or Speedbump).

  11. Pass AmaluPriceGate or FixedPricePassThruGate or SpeedBumpPriceGate contract address as the Price address.

    • for a fixed price, pass the price gate index if it exists, or uncheck the box and pass the beneficiary wallet address that will gain the interest from the minting process.

    • for speedbump, pass the price gate index if it exists, or uncheck the box and pass price decay, price increase, price denominator and beneficiary wallet address that will gain the interest from the minting process.

  12. Specify token range (what is the tokenID range, e.g. 101-170)