Setting up


Repository link: Influence

  1. In the influence terminal:

    git checkout develop
  2. In the main influence folder create .env.local file and put in there settings copied from .env.example. If you’d like to use local backend, remember to comment this line from env.local: REACT_APP_API_URL=''

  3. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Run application:

    npm start


Repository link: Influence hub

  1. In the influence-hub terminal:

    git checkout develop
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. In the main influence-hub folder create .env.local file and put in there settings copied from .env.

  4. Add your wallet address into admin_init file under migration folder. Make sure export line is uncommented.

  5. Run application:

    docker-compose up --build
  6. If after the building there are no documents in database under strategies collection, make sure strategies_init file under migration folder has uncommented export line.